Schott...'idea made of glass'?

currently working a project for glass manufacturer schott..
here is a moodboard to describes my feeling toward the outcome of this project

two weeks left...

with only two weeks left...things are starting to get stressful and wrong...
accidently over write my finished GA folder with the one got nothing in it..wasted half of today trying to get it done...and still got like one third to do...
started building my table as maple arrived on monday...after a week of sanding and all the parts i needed..leaving extra 5mm for my technician to trim them they can be nice as squarey...and he came back with one side half a mill too small on eight of them..they dont fit nice and tide in the jig now...guess i will hav to stick a layer of veneer on one side to sort of recover the volume..
anyway...i guess shit happens ever just hope the 'shit' has happened...and noting else go wrong...then it will all be alright...
must not let stress effect my thinking...and waste my time....just like dieter to stay positive yo!